Registered Charity in England & Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666) and Isle of Man (1103)
Be on the team that will get you to the finish line. Wear our cycling jerseys, digest our expert fundraising advice and training tips and feel the support of our cheering teams.
We’re the only ones fighting over 200 cancers – including the 1 that matters most to you. Every step we make towards beating cancer relies on every pound, and every rider. Thanks to our amazing supporters survival rates across all forms of cancer have doubled in the least 40 years, but we can’t stop there. With you on board we can speed up this progress and see three quarters of patients surviving within the next 20 years.
Our ambition is to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. And if we stand united, cancer doesn’t stand a chance. With relentless determination we can push forward more quickly towards a future where cancer doesn’t have to be feared.
We will find cures for all cancers. Let’s make it sooner.
We’d love to have you on our team, Join us today.
fundraise + ride find out moreThe Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity is the principal charity of the Royal Navy. We exist to support sailors, marines and their families, for life.
Beneficiaries lie at the heart of The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity’s purpose, it is our duty to remain focused on their needs. Since 2007, we have funded projects and facilities that boost morale for those who serve today. We also distribute millions of pounds annually to military charities which care for the children, families and veterans of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines.
fundraise + ride find out moreThinking of Oscar was set up in memory of Oscar Cole, who died suddenly in June 2014 aged just 16 months. Thinking of Oscar supports children and their families whilst in hospital care by funding projects and innovation over and above that supplied by the NHS
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